Software engineer at hogehoge corporation, living in a country of tax haven. Tweets are on my own not representing the company.
Shion Honda@shion_honda
本田 志温 / Software Engineer at @avec_alan / MSc in Computer Science / Tweets are my own
A tweet for the day.
Tadayoshi Sato / 佐藤 匡剛@tadayosi
OSS integration software engineer / @ApacheCamel, @Hawtio committer / Work @RedHat / Tweets my own
Tomoki Yamamoto@ngsw1886
外資IT - Account Executive|日系SaaS → スタートアップ×2社 →今 | *Tweets are my own
Backend/DevOps Engineer • Mobile Game Dev Studio🇯🇵
University of Tsukuba alumni.
Tweets are my own.
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